I sucked it up and went to Crossfit.

Yep, you read that right dudes!

I sucked it up and went to Crossfit!


I obviously look like this now.

Just kidding, I don’t.

But, I am sore which ROCKS!

and not nearly as sore as I was last week,

Which rocks even harder!

In case you care, here was our “main set”:

Single arm overhead press (15 of those bad boys on each arm)

Toes to Bar (20)

Burpees (Hate. Them. 25)

3 rounds… yes… I said three rounds for time.

We also threw in this… just for giggles

Then I quietly did this…


I died.

My coach even asked me if I was going to black out.

I wanted to laugh and tell him that I had run a marathon before

(which obviously means I can endure most things),

but thought it was best not to push my luck.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Am I right?

So… Yes! I went back to Crossfit!

I am pretty stoked about it, to be honest.


Livin’ life to it’s fullest is what it is all about people.

Injury or no injury, I can’t let the “what if’s” control me.

I will however, be careful at Crossfit… but I am not going to be a scared-y cat anymore!

This is so true, people.

Let’s bring it, shall we?!?!


Are you going to join Team Bring It with me?

What do you think of my new look?

Are you as excited that tomorrow is Friday, as I am? (I am pretty excited)

Happy Day, Ya’ll!


29 thoughts on “I sucked it up and went to Crossfit.

    • ratherberunnin says:

      There are actually 3 in my town, but they are all $130 a month… and I can not afford that. Where I go, to Crossfit Grover Beach, is about a 20 minute drive… but it is totally worth it at $75 a month. Big difference.


  1. Mariajose says:

    YAY! I knew there was a change in your blog! (I’m really bad at observing so I was doubting it for a second). But yeah! CrossFit is awesome! Can you do the toes to bar? I really suck at any sort of pull ups LOL!


  2. runtontorun says:

    OMG, you are evil…!!! I say that in the most awesome complimentary manner though!…I have been thinking of crossfit for ages but been a girly wuss wuss and like you id’d rather be running but i like hard core stuff…SO NOW YOU HAVE DONE IT…i will bloody have to:) argh….looks kinda fun though…


  3. Jennifer says:

    Yes, yes, YES! OMG, I’m so jealous you did stuff with tires!!! My Wednesday WOD was EMOM: 3 pushups, 5 airsquats & hanging snatches (45#) to fill the minute until we reached 80. Yes, 80. Oof! I can’t wait to go tomorrow morning!! Oh, and, I got to run today. A mile but at least it was running. Recovering from injuries suck but I’ll take what I can get. 🙂 So glad you went back!!


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