Tips for New Runners

Hello everyone and Happy day!

I just finished going through a lot of my old blog posts, in hopes that I would get some inspiration for a new one…

Although I am still having writers block, I came across a number of super awesome ones would be good ones to recycle.

So here, without further adieu, are…

GREAT tips for New Runners (and a good reminder for the Old Farts).

  1. Invest in the right pair of running shoes.
    Find out what kind of pronator you are: Neutral Pronator, Under Pronator or Over Pronator and go buy a GOOD pair of shoes based upon that knowledge. When I trained for my first marathon, I bought Brooks Ariels, which are $150 and are the clunkiest, most unattractive shoes on the planet… but they are great for extremely long distances. and for my severe over pronation.
  2. Go for distance, not for time.
    Chill out man. Take it easy, listen to your body and just get out there.
  3. Recover properly.
    Stretch, ice you injuries, drink some protein, eat some carbs, foam roll and take an ice bath if you need it… but make sure you take care of yourself.
  4. Remember that rest days are important.
    Schedule rest days, and actually rest. This helps with recovery, especially after a long run.
  5. Join a running group, or start one!
    Running alone is fun, but sometimes it is good to run with others to break up the solidarity.
  6. Make running a habit.
    They say that it takes 30 days to make something a habit, but sometimes it takes longer. Stop being a weenie and get out there!
  7. Build mileage gradually.
    Add no more than 10% each week and make sure to have a baseline week every month or so. This gives your body a chance to recover and build your muscles back up again.
  8. Walk during every run.
    Don’t be hero! No one is going to chastise you for taking a walk break. It is actually really good for you and is encouraged, even in races!
  9. Keep a training log.
    It is so important to log in your miles. Write it in a journal, in a running log app or even in an excel spreadsheet… but write. it. down! I try to analyze my runs at least once a month. Normally it is just to see what caused my latest injury (but that is just because I am injury prone).
  10. Mix in cross training to supplement your running.
    Cross training is great because it encourages overall strength and can prevent injuries from overuse. Let’s face it… running day in and day out can sometimes be a bore. Change it up!
  11. Set small, achievable goals.
    Break down your aspirations into daily, weekly, and monthly goals. This will give you something to focus on and strive towards. Once you achieve a goal, make a new one!
  12. Remember that you are a runner.
    I don’t care if you run one mile, or you run fifty… you are a runner. Be proud of that!
  13. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
    It’s going to be hard, you are going to have bad days. Accept it. Run through the hard, run through the bad… but remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  14. Fuel properly.
    Don’t be an idiot and go out for a 6 mile run after not eating, or have eaten a fat, greasy hamburger from Carl’s Jr. It is probably not going to be a pretty run, and your pre-run meal just might come back to haunt you.
  15. Hydrate.
    You lose water when you sweat, so it is important to hydrate before, during and after your run.

Which tip is your favorite?
Do you have any other tips to share?
How long have you been running?


37 thoughts on “Tips for New Runners

  1. Dawn H. says:

    I agree with every single one of these, especially #1 and #14 – definitely made the mistake of NOT fueling right and paid the price.


  2. erinalekatsas says:

    This is great, thank you for your posting! I have only been following you for a day or two but I can already tell that you are going to be my unofficial mentor for all things running 😉
    Cheers, Ez
    *first time marathon-runner-in-training


  3. worldofnomimon says:

    Lovely post. It’s great for beginners but also as a refresher. We all get so fixed on certain things it’s ok to rest and to have a bad day. Rule number 13 is a great rule for running and life. =)


  4. davehuseman says:

    Another great post. You had me from #1. The first thing I tell everyone who wants to get into running is to go to a place that will analyze their footstrike and advise them toward the right type of shoe for their gait and how they pronate (or not). You had me all the way down to #14 where the shoe fit all too comfortably – even then, I knew you were right.


  5. Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections says:

    Definitely some good tips! I think I sometimes fuel properly, but wait too long after I’ve eaten and then my runs are sluggish instead of powerful. I also need to embrace rest days better than i do. I tend to want to go, go, go. Not good!


    • ratherberunnin says:

      Resting is SO important. I went through a period of time about a year ago where I worked out EVERY day for like 3 months. I mean every day. It was bad… I couldn’t figure out why I was exhausted and getting injured all the time. Duh Ashley, your body needs rest. 🙂


      • Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections says:

        I’m finally at the point where I WANT to run every day, but I definitely don’t. But even on rest days now, I am up and doing all kinds of stuff. I just need more actual resting and way more stretching, I think. I like to workout 5-6 days a week, but sometimes 6 days just kills me. Duh!


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